Student Services Assessment
Conceptual Framework
Guiding Principles
- National University Student Services defines and measures what we value as a Division.
- We align our efforts with our values to cultivate student success and demonstrate our role in contributing to the National University institutional mission and strategic plan.
- We build a culture of scholarly inquiry through the development of a unified, coherent assessment process that leads to ongoing improvement of student learning and development.
- We develop and implement our assessment practices to advance student affairs assessment in higher education, mindful of our non-traditional student population and university characteristics.
- We make transparent assessment processes, documentation, and results to internal and external stakeholders.
- We advance and improve programs through evidence-based assessment, ensuring data, analysis, and reflection informs our practices and the allocation of resources.
- Our collaborative and iterative inquiry process integrates good practices from across the division and provides for meaningful dialog and impactful assessment processes.
Purpose of Student Services Assessment
- To optimize student learning, growth, and engagement in both curricular and co-curricular areas.
- To improve the quality and effectiveness of services.
- To create a collaborative culture among the university community to enhance programs and fulfill the goal of the Exceptional Student Experience.
- To produce evidence for the refinement of student services assessment practices.
Student Services Learning Outcomes
- Provide universal access to career services for current and past students
- Empower students to self-advocate via skill training and career development
- Engage all internal and external stakeholders for expansion of career opportunities for graduates
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Student/Alumni can articulate three skills s/he learned from his/her interaction with Career Services
- Students will be able to identify campus resources that will assist them upon arrival to campus, during their student life cycle, and through to completion that will assist in the success of their program.
- Students who utilize or interact with the International Programs Office and services will acquire, integrate, and apply knowledge that will enable them to maintain lawful non-immigrant status.
- Students who utilize or interact with the International Programs Office and services will acquire, integrate, and apply knowledge that supports their academic, career, and personal growth.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Identify the procedures for applying for Optional Practical Training (OPT).
- Identify procedures prior to travel outside of the U.S.
- Identify how to report changes in program and change in U.S. address.
- Students are aware of and have convenient access to tutoring in math.
- Students are agents in their own learning and seek support as needed.
- Students will demonstrate continued improvement in quantitative skills and confidence in their abilities.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Communicate mathematics with confidence.
- Use quantitative reasoning and applying mathematics tools to solve problems.
- Apply mathematics knowledge to modeling real-world situations.
- Use appropriate technology in order to enhance their mathematical thinking and understanding, solve mathematical problems, and judge the reasonableness of their results.
- Students are aware of and have convenient access to tutoring in writing.
- Students are agents in their own learning and seek support as needed.
- Students will demonstrate continued improvement in the writing process and confidence in their abilities.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Student can explain that writing as a process that usually requires multiple drafts.
- Student can explain how to write for different audiences, situations and purposes.
- Student can articulate how their choices in structure, diction, and their processes of revising and editing affect their writing.
- Students express increased confidence in completing a range of writing tasks.
- Students demonstrate knowledge of what to do next to improve current writing project.
- Create and implement programs and services that aim to increase awareness of NU community expectations for behavior.
- Cultivate campus and community partnerships that serve to broaden the reach and increase awareness of the Office of Student Conduct, and how it supports the NU community.
- Enhance student learning and inter-personal development by intentionally crafting educational sanctions that are timely, consistent, fair, and strive to minimize Student Code of Conduct violations.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Student can explain why University policies exist and why the University community is concerned about their behavior.
- Student can articulate how their actions affect themselves and others.
- Student can communicate personal responsibility for their behavior within the University community.
- Student can identify academic or other support resources to seek assistance when addressing concerns to avoid violations of University policies.
- Student can describe how the conduct process helps them to re-define their behavior as a responsible member of the University community.
- Faculty and staff can describe the process of filing an incident report with the OSC.
- Faculty and staff can express their responsibilities in reporting an incident to the OSC.
- Empower undergraduate students to achieve their academic goals by providing opportunities to enhance learning, increase retention, and improve overall student success.
- Supports students to develop the skills and strategies to become independent and active learners.
- Help students gain the confidence to achieve academic success.
- Students or faculty subject to the investigative process will be aware of the institutional policy affecting them.
- Students subject to the support of the Student Relations Specialist staff will be able to identify the advocacy that is required in support of their issue as well as the process that will be engaged.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Student or faculty will be able to re-state the institutional policy impacting them as well as the investigatory process that will be engaged in relation to the policy.
- Student can accurately describe the advocacy and process required to resolve the issue
- Equitable access across university with minimal student burden.
- Student empowerment to receive reasonable accommodations.
- Staff and faculty understand the inequity inherent to higher education and forms of ongoing improvement/remediation.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Student can accurately describe his/her disability and explain how it impacts him/her in the academic arena
- Student can describe steps for requesting their approved accommodations
- Student will report confidence in disability-related self-advocacy
- Faculty can describe the process of student referral to SAS
- Staff can describe the process of referral and registration with SAS
- Faculty can explain their responsibilities in providing accommodations
- Students become university ambassadors online and in-person, practicing newly developed leadership skills.
- Students engage in one high-impact practice of community service or research.
- Students develop ePortfolios to demonstrate their work and reflections.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Explain how leadership styles correspond with coursework and disciplinary knowledge.
- Develop online proficiency using technology platforms to be competitive in the 21st century workforce.
- Produce sustainable collaborations between National University Scholars Program and local service area non-profits through innovative service-leadership and community-building to learn the value of citizenry and philanthropy.
- Develop critical thinking, oral and written communication skills to increase self-reflection, problem-solving abilities and create connections between experiences and disciplinary knowledge.
- Examine cultural and global perspectives on various socio-political and economic issues to understand the needs of others and appreciate diversity.
- Develop research skills to increase disciplinary and multidisciplinary knowledge and connections.
- Integration of Veterans into the National University Community as a whole.
- Provide opportunities for students to adapt to civilian culture in a safe environment.
- Connect veterans to university and community support as needed.
Student Learning Outcomes:
- Student is able to describe steps to secure Post-911 funding for classes at NU.
- Student is able to describe steps to secure Tuition Assistance funding for classes at NU.
- Student is able to describe steps to secure VA Vocational Rehabilitation funding for classes at NU.
- Student can list at least one local or national veteran-specific resource for job finding and/or career development.
- Student reports a sense of belonging to the NU Military Community.
Annual Department Reports
Annual Divisional Reports
Conceptual Framework
Guiding Principles
- National University Student Services defines and measures what we value as a Division.
- We align our efforts with our values to cultivate student success and demonstrate our role in contributing to the National University institutional mission and strategic plan.
- We build a culture of scholarly inquiry through the development of a unified, coherent assessment process that leads to ongoing improvement of student learning and development.
- We develop and implement our assessment practices to advance student affairs assessment in higher education, mindful of our non-traditional student population and university characteristics.
- We make transparent assessment processes, documentation, and results to internal and external stakeholders.
- We advance and improve programs through evidence-based assessment, ensuring data, analysis, and reflection informs our practices and the allocation of resources.
- Our collaborative and iterative inquiry process integrates good practices from across the division and provides for meaningful dialog and impactful assessment processes.
Purpose of Student Services Assessment
- To optimize student learning, growth, and engagement in both curricular and co-curricular areas.
- To improve the quality and effectiveness of services.
- To create a collaborative culture among the university community to enhance programs and fulfill the goal of the Exceptional Student Experience.
- To produce evidence for the refinement of student services assessment practices.
Student Services Learning Outcomes
Career Services
International Programs Office
Math Center
Office of Student Conduct
Student Academic Success Center
Student Accessibility Services
Student Concierge Services